
“Body Buster has helped me gain confidence, I feel proud of myself in terms of how hard I have worked on my health. I feel strong, fit and healthy and i love that feeling!”

I have been a Body buster member for about a year and a half, I joined for a month to see what it was all about. I will never forget my first day at boot camp, I thought maybe I took on too much, but with encouragement from my instructor and others in the class I continued and I am so happy I did. My overall health has improved greatly. I am able to deal with stress so much better and all the little aches and pains that sometimes would bother me are gone. I am strong and feel great!

What I like the most about the Body Buster Program is that every class is different, I really enjoy the outdoor classes and seeing everyone return program after program! I have also lost 12lbs.

I have chosen to continue with Body Buster because I love the way it makes me feel…fit and healthy. You want to eat healthier when you work out it just happens naturally. Being a member of Body Buster has helped me gain confidence, I feel proud of myself in terms of how hard I have worked on my health. I feel strong, fit and healthy and i love that feeling!

I was never one to go to the gym, or workout in anyway and now I am 51 working out and loving it. It’s never to late to start when it comes to your health. Body Buster is a great way to start, you will meet great people and the instructors are always there to help.