
I have been a Body Buster member for 13 months now and I still find every class a challenge. Up until I joined the Body Buster Program, my fitness journey had plateaued. The current program I was engaging in failed to provide me with the results I was looking for and I was eager to find a change. When I drove past a Body Buster class in action I figured I would give the program a try for a month and see if it was the change I was looking for. That was over a year ago now.

Personally, what I enjoy most about the Body Buster Program in comparison to other fitness classes is the way it pushes me to accomplish more than I thought was possible in my fitness journey. In particular, I have lost over 10 pounds since I have started the program and I feel stronger than I have in years.

Therefore, I will certainly be renewing the full year program at Body Buster as I truly can not imagine not having such an engaging and rewarding program in my life.

I would tell someone who has never take the Body Buster program before just to try it for a month and you’ll be hooked!

Lastly, I would like to personally thank my instructor for all of her support as I would not have gotten this far without her help.