Katelyn and Nicole

Katelyn says:
I joined Body Buster in September 2016. Right off the bat, I signed up for the 10 month program. The Body Buster program pushes me to work out and motivates me to keep my workout schedule and pushes me to physical limits. Since I joined with Body Buster I’ve proudly lost a total of 30 pounds and two dress sizes.
One of things I enjoy most about Body Buster is The fellow bootcampers and the incredibly friendly and helpful instructors. They keep me on point and have helped me exercise through a couple of tough injures. They always find ways to keep my fitness level at its peak even with the injuries I’ve had. I feel more energetic and More motivated since I started with BodyBuster.
The program has increased my confidence and energy levels, and also acts as a great stress relief outlet after busy stressful days at work. Growing up playing sports I always led an active lifestyle and as I got older life gets busy and taking part in the Body Buster program has allowed me to keep my physical fitness at level I am happy with. When I used to have a gym membership I found that I always ended up not going to the gym consistently. I find Body Buster allows me to keep a routine every single week so that my fitness levels stay where I want them too.
I feel there’s no excuse for me to be not active throughout the week when Body Buster has such an incredible flexible schedule with their times and locations. The instructors are super helpful, and are always willing to help each member individually based in their workout needs. A few months after joining I met Nicole. Her And i became friends instantly. We rely on each other to motivate each other and through this we bonded and became much closer. Body buster is filled with positive effects, and you can only find out by joining and trying your best!
Nicole says:
I started Body Buster in April 2017. I originally started twice a week and quickly realized the results were amazing so I upped it to three times a week. I feel this was one of the best decisions I ever made; to join. The program has taught me that anything is possible with your personal health achievements. I’m turning 40 this year and I’m the healthiest I’ve ever felt in my life. I’ve lost 25 pounds with Body Buster since I started, and I feel my fitness level has exceeded even my own expectations.
Taking part in the program will continue to be part of my schedule in life. Just like going to work, or grocery shopping, it is not an option, it is something I must do to keep myself happy and healthy. Being part of a program like this keeps my mind, body and soul on a healthy level.
One of the best parts of the program is truly the instructors. Yes, it’s called “boot camp”, however the instructors really push you to your own personal physical limits. They don’t expect anything but for you to give it 110% based on your own physical abilities. They are supportive and incredibly helpful and pay close attention to each member to give them the best results possible. I can’t thank them enough for their care and efficiency at Body Buster.
Anybody can do this,ANYBODY. There’s no reason to say you can’t do something until you try. Now is the time, and this is the best place to start!
Katelyn and I were lucky enough to meet each other at body buster Boot Camp. We quickly became close friends, and now she is one of my best friends. Body Buster has given me the gift of a healthier lifestyle, more energy, better mindset and one of the best things that Body Buster ever gave me was the gift of a friend. Words cannot describe how Body Buster has changed my life. Positive thinking makes for positive energy and results. I truly believe that!